Essential Care and Cleaning Tips for Diamond Watches

Diamond watches perfectly complements personality and style of a person. They exude with elegance and class. Spending on diamond watches is not just an investment but it’s a symbolic gesture of an open heart and personal clarity.
No one wants their beautiful diamond watch to lose its radiance and sparkle. Keeping diamond watches in pristine condition requires gentle care and regular maintenance. It ensures that they stand the test of time and remain in sparkling condition for long. Check out the following maintenance tips on taking care of diamond watches.
There are some stores which are offering customize pre-owned diamond watches like RSD Watches, in case you are looking for one RSD Watches is one of my favorite. Following are some tips to care for your diamond watch which you already own or about to buy.

Diamond Watches Caring Tips

  1. Read the Instruction Booklet Carefully: The instruction booklets that come with diamond watches contain important instructions to maintain them. These booklets also contain information about cleaning the watch. It is essential to carefully read and follow the instructions contained within to ensure that the diamond watch remains in excellent condition for longer.

  2. Protect from High Humidity: Diamond watches should not be subjected to high humidity and rain. Even if these watches are water-resistant, it is advisable to prevent using them while swimming or taking a shower. The internal circuitry of water-resistant diamond watches may be immune to high humidity, yet high humidity may damage the exterior leather bracelet and other metallic portions of the watches.

  3. Do not wear Diamond Watches during High Intensity Workouts: High intensity workouts and playing sports that require heavy arm movements may damage the mechanism within the diamond watches. It is better to take them off before participating in such activities to protect the watch from potential harm.

  4. Clean with Mild Soap: Apart from leather bracelets, the bands of most diamond watches can be cleaned with mild soap. In addition, every night take off the diamond watches and brush the back of the watch with a soft clean cloth. This prevents dust buildup that can get inside the watch and damage internal circuitry of the watch.

  5. Take Care while Cleaning the Diamonds: Cleaning the diamonds on the watches is easier if they are located on bezels that are removable. However, if these bezels are fixed to the watches extreme care must be taken in cleaning these stones. Uses a moist cloth dipped in a jewelry cleaning solution to polish the diamonds. In addition, a toothpick can be used to dislodge dirt trapped between the crevices.

  6. Be careful while Replacing the Battery: Have a professional horologist or watch repair shops take care of replacing the battery in case the diamond watch is battery operated. Expert horologists have special tools and gears that ensures the internal sensitive circuitry of the watch does not get damaged while the battery is being replaced.

  7. Protect the diamond watch from harsh chemicals and substances. Avoid getting makeup, thinner and other harsh chemicals on the watches. These harsh chemicals may harm exterior surface of the watches thus decreasing their appeal and value.

Following the above mentioned tips on caring and cleaning for your diamond watches will increase their lifespan and ensure that they are passed down in original pristine condition radiating with perfect sparkle and shine.


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